Exhibit at Galleri.nu

Creating pictures is fun - no matter if using a paintbrush or a camera. It is even more rewarding to display the work and maybe receive some encouraging feedback. If you sense the same commitment as Galleri.nu do and got some pictures that deserves a larger audience - don't hesitate to submit them. Of course gallery owners are welcome to get in touch too.

You may enclose the pictures in an e-mail to redax@galleri.nu or use the form below. If you send pictures to publish, you thereby guarantee your copyright to the work and that you have agreed to the terms of participation at Galleri.nu. E-mail address or phone number are mandatory information for anyone who contributes to the site.


E-mail / phone



Sample file #1

Sample file #2

Sample file #3

Sample file #4

Publish freely

Label with Galleri.nu
